We meet 10 times each year, always on the last Friday of the month except in December when we install a new Master of the Lodge and we do this on the Second Friday and its always a special occasion for us
On a typical evening we will meet at 7pm, our first job is to do the administration of the Lodge, confirming the minutes of the last meeting and other propositions and administration.
Then if we have a canditate who is joining us we will do 1 of 3 ceremonies.
These are essentially one act plays and teach members how to be better people and each play represents a different stage in life.
As an ‘initiate’ or Entered Apprentice, Freemasons are taught we are all born equal, we learn that in life some do better than others and it is up to those that do well to look after the less fortunate.
From this stems our belief in the importance of Charity.
The next stage is to become a ‘Fellow Craft’ where Freemasons are taught the importance of improving yourself as a person, and finally as a ‘Master Mason’, where we learn that we have but one life, and the importance of using it wisely.
The details of the ceremonies can easily be accessed online but nothing beats experiencing it for yourself.
After the meetings members dine together informally in order to enjoy good food, good wine, and good company. And most importantly, to have fun together.
If you would like to Join the North York Lodge or would like some more information Please Click Here
Presentation of an 18th Century Lodge
Sometimes when we do not have a candidate we will have a lecture or presentation about Freemasonry or any other related topic.
We sometimes do a practice ceremony and explain what is going on at each stage of the proceedings or we may have a visit from one of the Provincial Leaders and their team.
Freemasons and Charity
A lot of what we do as Freemasons deals with Charity, be it local or national.
The Freemasons of Middlesbrough have for many years hosted a Charity Presentation Evening, where funds raised by the various Lodges that meet at the Masonic Hall are donated to local charities.
First started in 2001 these evenings have been a great success and more than £250,000 has been donated over the years.